My Burbank City Council Goals for 2021
At 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 27th, the Burbank City Council will be meeting to set our City Council and community goals for 2021. As I head into this important meeting with my colleagues, I’d like to take this opportunity to share my complete list with you!
Please note that Burbank’s immediate needs to address the COVID-19 pandemic are not lost upon me. However, the steps that we need to take are not necessarily found in a single or stand-alone goal. Rather, the steps that we need to take to recover from this unprecedented public health and economic crisis is a common thread among my goals listed below.
Economic Development & Recovery
Burbank Economic Recovery Taskforce
Growth and Retention of Small Businesses
Urgency Ordinances to Protect Stakeholders
Advocate for Grant Funding, Tax Breaks & Loan Programs
Housing Stability & Growth
Eviction Protection & Rent Relief
Adding Affordable Housing Options (RHNA allocation)
Reducing the costs & barriers to new housing construction
Other Relief for Residents (e.g., Relaxed Parking Ticketing)
New Home Buyer Program
Strengthened Police Accountability & Community Relations
Expanded Burbank Police Commission with Regular Meetings
Re-evaluate the Powers and Responsibilities of the Police Commission
Continued Commitment to Hiring Diversity
Increased Community Relations Events (e.g., townhalls)
Commitment to a Sustainable Future
BWP Roadmap to 100% Renewable Energy by 2030
Update our Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan (GGRP) to meet State Targets
Explore a Sustainability Coordinator Structure
Implement a Drought Prevention Plan/Taskforce
Increased investments in Solar Energy & Storage
Implement a 21st Century Transportation Plan
Regional Mass Transit Connectivity (Rail/Bus)
Chandler Bike Path Extension
Investments in Bike Lanes (Complete Streets Plan)
Equity-Based Transportation System
Pedestrian Safeguards (sidewalks & scramble crosswalks)
Improved Homelessness Services
Supportive Services for Homeless Families
Revisit the future of the BGC Site
Improved Partnerships with Non-Profits
Explore options for interim housing
Take advantage of funding through FEMA/Project Roomkey
Cultivating Diversity & Equity in our Community
Prioritizing Diversification of our Boards & Commissions
Commission on the Status of Women and/or Women’s Rights
DEI Commission or Staff Member
Formal Recognition of Cesar Chavez Day – Jess Talamantes
Ensure Workforce Protections
Comparative Analysis: Minimum Wage in LA County vs. State of CA
PPE & Hero Pay for Frontline Workers
Utilize Project Labor Agreements for Development Projects
Right to Return for COVID-19 Effected Employees
Making Community Investments
New Central Library
Increased Public Arts Projects
Preservation of Magnolia Park & Small Businesses
Citizens’ Ethics Commission
Investing in Wildfire Preparation & Resiliency
Prioritize Defensible Space Zones and Clearances
BWP Equipment Upgrades
Recruitment & Retention of Burbank Firefighters
Community Disaster Preparedness